Privacy and Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how and why collects, uses, and shares personal information when you interact with or use our Site or Service. It
also includes any information helperbots collects offline in connection with the Service, which we may combine with information from the Site and Service. By
reading this Privacy Policy, you will understand your privacy rights and choices.

When we say helperbots, we mean and any of its affiliates. When we say “Site”, we mean, and when we say “Service”, we mean
the Site plus any websites, features, applications, widgets, or online services owned or controlled by helperbots and that post a link to this Privacy Policy.

As part of the Service, helperbots provides a marketplace which results in platform information pertaining to different parties to an interaction. Users of the
Service are for those who are Site Visitors (as each is defined in the User Agreement). This Privacy Policy applies to helperbots processing of personal
information of Users where helperbots determines the purposes and means of processing. It does not apply to processing of information by Users
themselves, who may be controllers of the personal information they access through the Service. For information about how Users process your personal
information, please contact them directly.

Accessibility: This Privacy Policy uses industry-standard technologies and was developed in connection with the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines, version 2.1. If you wish to print this policy, please do so from your web browser or by saving the page as a PDF.


a. Information You Provide to Us

When you use the Service, you may provide us with information about you. This may include your name and contact information, financial information to make or receive payment for services obtained through the platform, or information to help us fill out tax forms. When you use the Service, we may also collect information related to your use of the Service and aggregate this with information about other users. This helps us improve our Services for you. You may also provide us with information about your contacts or friends if, for example, you’d like to add those contacts to a message room.

Depending upon our relationship with you, we may collect the following categories and types of personal information from and about you:

Categories of Personal Information We Collect


Contact / Account Profile Information

Sensitive Personal Information / Government Issued Identification Numbers

Commercial Information

Financial Data/Payment Information

Internet or Other Network or Device
Activities Including Information from

Approximate Geolocation Information

Sensory Information

Platform Communications

Professional Information

Other information that identifies or can be reasonably associated with you

Examples of Personal Information Collected

Name, Date of Birth, Social Media Account Information, Profile Data, IP Address

Email Address, Home Address, Billing Address, Phone Number

Social Security Number, Driver’s License, State Identification or Passport Number, VAT Identification Number, Tax Identification Number, Immigration Status, Citizenship Information

Transaction Data including services offered, considered, or purchased

Credit card or other financial account information

Unique device and app identifiers, browsing history or other usage data, the browser and operating system you are using, the URL or advertisement that referred you to the Service, the search terms you entered into a search engine that led you to the Service, areas within the Service that you visited, which links you clicked on, which pages or content you viewed and for how long, other similar information and statistics about your interactions, such as content response times, download errors and length of visits to certain pages and other information commonly shared when browsers communicate with websites

Your approximate location

Audio recordings if you call our customer service, video recording (if you provide permission).

Communication Information (e.g., your name, contact information, and, with your consent, the contents of any messages you send)

Previous place(s) of employment, position(s), work history, earnings, resume

User-generated content, (e.g., community posts, feedback, ratings and job postings), photographs, examples of your work, information on work previously performed via the Service and outside the Service, skills, tests taken, test scores, hourly pay rates and earnings information.

Categories of Sources of Personal Information

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, service providers and other users)

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, service providers and other users)

Directly from You

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, service providers and other users)

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, service providers and other users)

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, service providers and other users)

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, service providers and other users)

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Service Providers; Third Parties (such as affiliates)

Directly from You, Your use of the Service, and Users with whom you communicate

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Service Providers; Third Parties (such as other users)

Directly from You or Your use of the Service; Service Providers; Third Parties (such as affiliates, agents, and other users)

Business Purpose for Collection of Personal Information

Developing, Improving, and Providing the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Developing, Improving, and Providing the Service, Identification, Communicating with You, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Improving and Providing the Service, Verifying Your Identity and Detecting Fraud, Identity Theft, or Other Misuse of Your Account, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Developing, Improving, and Providing the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Improving and Providing the Service, Identification, Communications, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Developing, Improving, and Providing the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Developing, Improving, and Providing the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Providing and Improving the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Developing, Improving, and Providing and Improving the Service, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Developing, Improving, and Providing the Service, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

Developing, Improving, and Providing the Service, Identification, Communications, Marketing, Analytics, Security, Legal, Compliance and Regulatory Obligations.

b. Non-Identifying Information and De-Identified Information

– Non-Identifying Information/Usernames: We also may collect other information that does not identify you directly, such as zip codes, demographic data,
information about your use of the Service, and general project-related data (“Non-Identifying Information”). We may combine information collected from
whether they are registered or not. In some cases, we may render Personal Information (generally, email address) into a form of Non-Identifying Information
referred to in this Privacy Policy as “Hashed Information.” This is typically accomplished using a mathematical process (commonly known as a hash function) to
convert information into a code to connect your activity and interests.

Combination of Personal and Non-Identifying Information: We may combine your Personal Information with Non-Identifying Information, but Helperbots will
treat the combined information as Personal Information.

De-Identified Information: We may also de-identify or aggregate information and convert it into non-personal information so that it can no longer reasonably
be used to identify you (“De-Identified Information”). We may use De-Identified Information for any of the purposes described in the “We Use Information We
Collect” section below. We will maintain and use De-Identified Information in de-identified form and will not attempt to reidentify the information, except to
confirm our de-identification processes or unless required by law.

c. Information Collected Automatically

Like other online companies, we receive technical information when you use our Services. We use these technologies to analyze how people use the Service,
to improve how our Site functions, to save your log-in information for future sessions, and to serve you with advertisements that may interest you.
Helperbots and its partners use cookies or similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the website, track users’ movement around the website, the
desktop app, and the mobile app, and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole. The technology used to collect information
automatically from Users may include cookies, web beacons, and embedded scripts. In addition, we and our marketing partners, affiliates, analytics, and
service providers may use a variety of other technologies (such as tags) that collect similar information for security and fraud detection purposes and we may
use third parties to perform these services on our behalf.

d. Analytics Providers, Ad Servers and Similar Third Parties

We may work with advertising agencies and vendors who use technology to help us understand how people use our Site. These vendors may use
technologies to serve you advertisements that may interest you. You can choose to opt out of receiving certain interest-based advertising.

Helperbots works with (or may in the future work with) ad networks, ad agencies, analytics service providers and other vendors to provide us with information
regarding traffic on the Service, including pages viewed and the actions taken when visiting the Service; to serve our advertisements on other websites, within
mobile apps and elsewhere online; and to provide us with information regarding the use of the Service and the effectiveness of our advertisements. Our
service providers may collect certain information about your visits to and activity on the Service as well as other websites or services, they may set and
access their own tracking technologies on your device (including cookies and web beacons), and may use that information to show you targeted
advertisements. Some of these parties may collect Personal Information when you visit the Service or other online websites and services.

e. Children

The Service is general audience and intended for users 18 and older. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from anyone younger than age 18. If
we become aware that a child younger than 18 has provided us with Personal Information, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete such
information from our files. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child younger than age 18 and believe that helperbots has collected Personal
Information from your child, please contact us at: [email protected]


We use information collected through the Service to provide and improve the Service, develop new Services and products, process your requests, prevent
fraud, provide you with information and advertising that may interest you, comply with the law, and as otherwise permitted with your consent.

a. We Use Information We Collect:

– To provide and improve the Service, complete your transactions, address your inquiries, process your registration, verify the information you provide is valid,
and for compliance and internal business purposes.
– To contact you with administrative communications and helperbots newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information that may be of
interest to you. If you decide at any time that you no longer wish to receive such communications from us, please follow the instructions in the Your Choices
and Rights section, below.
– To tailor content we display to you and offers we may present to you, both on the Service and elsewhere online.
– To administer and develop our business relationship with you and, if applicable, the corporation or other legal entity you represent.
– To enforce and comply with the law, including to conduct an investigation, to protect the property and rights of helperbots, to protect the safety of the
public or any person, or to prevent or stop activity we may consider to be, or to pose a risk of being, illegal, fraudulent, unethical or legally actionable activity.
– For the purposes disclosed at the time you provide your information, with your consent, and as further described in this Privacy Policy.
– To Honor Our Contractual Commitments to You. Much of our processing of Personal Information is to meet our contractual obligations to our investors, or to
take steps at Users’ request in anticipation of entering into a contract with them.
– For Our Legitimate Interests. In many cases, we handle Personal Information on the grounds that it furthers our legitimate interests in commercial activities,
such as the following, in ways that are not overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the affected individuals:

  • Providing our Site and Service.
  • Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity.
  • Measuring interest and engagement in our Services.
  • Short-term, transient use, such as contextual customization of ads.
  • Improving, upgrading or enhancing our Services.
  • Developing new products and services.
  • Ensuring internal quality control and safety.
  • Authenticating and verifying individual identities.
  • Debugging to identify and repair errors with our Services.
  • Auditing relating to interactions, transactions and other compliance activities.
  • Enforcing our agreements and policies.
  • Analyzing and improving our business.
  • Communications, including marketing and responding to your inquiries about our services.
  • Addressing information security needs and protecting our Users, and others.
  • Managing legal issues.

– To Comply with Legal Obligations. We need to use and disclose Personal Information in certain ways to comply with our legal obligations.


Unless you request that we delete certain information (see Your Choices and Rights below), we will only retain your personal information for as long as is
necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, accounting, or reporting requirements,
as well as ongoing fraud prevention, backup, and business continuity purposes.


We do not sell your Personal Information for monetary consideration, and we do not share your Personal Information with third parties for those third parties’
marketing purposes unless we first provide you with the opportunity to opt-in to or opt-out of such sharing. However, we may use technologies on our Site for
the purposes of advertising or marketing to you and understanding how you interact with our ads. This may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” of personal
information for targeted advertising under applicable data protection laws. We may also share information we have collected about you, including Personal
Information, as disclosed at the time you provide your information, with your consent, as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, or for the following
business or commercial purposes:


For User who have entered into a service contract or agreed to use Payroll with another user, we may share your information in order to complete the transaction or to facilitate the resolution of a claim or dispute. The user receiving your information is not allowed to use it for purposes unrelated to the transaction, such as to contact you for marketing purposes, unless you have expressly consented to it.

Generative AI

We enhance certain features of our Service by integrating trusted generative AI service providers. We may share the information you provide while using these features with these generative AI service providers, as well as additional information necessary to utilize the feature.

Where helperbots uses this information to power features, we leverage certain treatments of the data appropriate for the feature, including but not limited to, first removing personal information and only using public data. Where a feature involves a generative AI service provider and requires the use of identifying information you submit to the feature, you may choose to either not use that feature or not opt-in to generative AI features more broadly.

The Service includes a two-sided marketplace, which results in platform information pertaining to both parties on either side of an interaction.

Legal and Investigative Purposes

Helperbots will share information with government agencies as required by law including (without limitation) in response to lawful requests by public authorities to meet national security or law enforcement requirements and in connection with reporting earnings. We cooperate with government and law enforcement officials and private parties to enforce and comply with the law.

We will disclose information about you to government or law enforcement officials or private parties as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate to respond to claims and legal process (including but not limited to subpoenas), or, at the request of governmental authorities or other third parties conducting an investigation where we determine in our sole discretion the disclosure is necessary to (a) protect the property and rights of helperbots or a third party, (b) protect the safety of the public or any person, or (c) prevent or stop activity we may consider to be, or pose a risk of being, illegal, fraudulent, unethical or legally actionable activity. 

Internal and Business Transfers

Helperbots may share information, including Personal Information, with its parent company, and any current or future subsidiaries or affiliates, primarily for business and operational purposes, including activities such as IT management, for them to provide services to you, or support and supplement the Services we provide. We may sell, transfer, or otherwise share some or all of our assets, including your Personal Information, in connection with a merger, acquisition, reorganization or sale of assets (including, in each case, as part of the due-diligence process with any potential acquiring entity) or in the event of bankruptcy.

Non-Identifying Information & De-Identified Information

We may share aggregated Non-Identifying Information and we may otherwise disclose Non-Identifying Information (including, without limitation, Hashed Information) or De-Identified Information to third parties.

Categories of Personal Information We Have Shared in the Preceding 12 Months


Contact Information

Sensitive Personal Information / Government Issued Identification Numbers

Commercial Information

Financial Data/Payment Information

Internet or Other Network or Device Activities Including Information from Cookies

Approximate Geolocation Information

Sensory Information

Categories of Third Parties with whom We Share Personal Information

Analytics Companies, Identity Verification Companies, Advertising Partners, Payment Processors, Other Merchants, Helperbots Users, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Analytics Companies, Advertising Partners, Payment Processors, Other Merchants, Helperbots Users, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Identity Verification Companies, Security Companies, Other Merchants, Helperbots Users, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Payment Processors, Security Companies, Analytics Companies, Other Merchants, Helperbots Users, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Payment Processors, Security Companies, Other Merchants, Helperbots Users, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Analytics Companies, Advertising Partners, Other Merchants, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Analytics Companies, Advertising Partners, Other Merchants, Helperbots Users, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Other Merchants, Helperbots Users, Government Agencies (as required by law)

Whether This Category is Used for Targeted Advertising










You may have certain choices and rights associated with your personal information, including opting out of targeted advertising or other disclosures to third
parties. Residents of certain locations may have the right to have an authorized agent submit requests on your behalf. You or your authorized agent may
request that helperbots honor these rights by contacting us as outlined in the “Contact Us” section, or submitting a request. Depending on your location, you
may also opt out of targeted advertising here.

Non-Discrimination: You will not receive any discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise of your privacy rights.

Verifying Your Request: Only you, or a person that you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a request related to your personal information. In the case of
access and deletion, your request must be verifiable before we can fulfill such request. Verifying your request will require you to provide sufficient information
for us to reasonably verify that you are the person about whom we collected personal information or a person authorized to act on your behalf. We will only
use the personal information that you have provided in a verifiable request in order to verify your request. We cannot respond to your request or provide you
with personal information if we cannot verify your identity or authority. Please note that we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse to act on a request if such
request is excessive, repetitive or manifestly unfounded.

For Individuals Located in the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom (UK) or Switzerland:
You have a number of rights under applicable data protection laws in relation to your personal information. Under certain circumstances, you have the right to:
– Have access to your personal information by submitting a request to us;
– Have your personal information deleted;
– Have your personal information corrected if it is wrong;
– Have the processing of your personal information restricted;
– Object to further processing of your personal information, including to object to marketing from us;
– Make a data portability request;
– Withdraw any consent you have provided to us;
– Restrict any automatic processing of your personal information; and
– Complain to the appropriate Supervisory Authority.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact us as outlined in the “Contact Us” section.


We take a number of steps to protect your data, but no security is guaranteed.

Helperbots takes reasonable steps to help protect and secure the information it collects and stores about Helperbots Users. We maintain reasonable
administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect personal information that we receive against accidental, unlawful, or unauthorized
destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use.


Because we are a U.S. company, we process and store your information in the United States and our service providers may process and store it elsewhere.

Helperbots may transfer your personal information to a third party that is located in a jurisdiction other than the one from which we collected your personal
information, including to countries that have not been deemed to have an adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of data subjects. If we do
transfer your personal information to another jurisdiction, we will do so following due diligence and provided that the data recipient is subject to contractual
agreements imposing obligations on it to ensure appropriate technical and organizational are implemented and maintained at all times to prevent the
unauthorized and unlawful processing of personal information, and the accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal information, consistent with
our obligations under applicable data protection laws.

Data Privacy Framework Notice
Last Updated: – – – –

Helperbots has self-certified compliance with the U.S. Data Privacy Framework. Data Privacy Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce
(collectively, the “Data Privacy Framework”). We have certified to the U.S. Department of Commerce that we adhere to the Data Privacy Framework Principles
regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the United States to any country in reliance on the Data Privacy

a. Scope
Helperbots provides a generally available software-as-a-service offering hosted by or on behalf of Helperbots (the “Service”). It’s Data Privacy
Framework certification applies to personal information that we collect and process in the course of our business, as described in the Helperbots
Privacy Notice. The types of personal information that our customers upload and store in the Service is at their discretion (subject to any limitations
in the applicable agreement) and we only process such information in accordance with the customer’s instructions, as set forth in the applicable

b. Inquiries & Complaints
You may direct any inquiries or complaints concerning our Data Privacy Framework compliance. Helperbots will investigate and attempt to resolve
complaints within 45 days.

c. Disclosure Requests
Helperbots may be required to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including national security or law
enforcement requirements.

d. Onward Transfers
Helperbots is liable if any third party agents to which we disclose personal information fail to meet the obligations under the Data Privacy Frame
work for which we are responsible and such failure results in damages, unless we can prove that we are not responsible for the events giving rise to
the damages.

e. Enforcement
Helperbots compliance with the Data Privacy Framework is subject to the investigative and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade


Our Service contains links to other websites. If you choose to click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that third party’s website. The fact that we link
to a website is not an endorsement, authorization or representation of our affiliation with that third party, nor is it an endorsement of their privacy or
information security policies or practices. We do not exercise control over third party websites. These other websites may place their own cookies or other
files on your computer, collect data or solicit Personal Information from you. We encourage you to read the privacy policies or statements of the other
websites you visit.


We may change this Privacy Policy. If we make substantial changes, we will provide notice.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of the date stated at the top of this page. Helperbots may update this Privacy Policy at any time and any changes will be
effective upon posting. By accessing or using the Service after we notify you of such changes to this Privacy Policy, you are deemed to have accepted such
changes. Please refer back to this Privacy Policy on a regular basis.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please feel free to email us at: [email protected]


The Sites are not directed to children under 13. We do not knowingly collect, use or disclose personally identifiable information from anyone under 13 years of
age. If we become aware that we have unknowingly collected personally identifiable information from a child under the age of 13, we will make reasonable
efforts to delete such information from our records